Ala Nosatîi is a program manager at NGO CCF Moldova (Children, Community, Families) since 2010. She coordinates the deinstitutionalization program in the Northern region of the Republic of Moldova. This includes collaboration with local public authorities at all levels (central, counties and local) for the planning and implementation of preventing the institutionalization of children and dezinstitutionalization of children from the baby home in Balti municipality; development of foster families and support services (Early Intervention Service, social nurseries, after school clubs, etc.); support in strengthening the capacity of specialists in the field of child protection and related fields, etc. Since 2021, she is coordinating the implementation of the CARE methodology (Child Adult Relationship Development) within the organization. Between 2007-2010, she worked as a psychologist, speech therapist and case manager, working directly with children and families involved in the closing of 5 residential institutions. In the period 2012-2014, she contributed to the development of educational inclusion services for children with special educational needs. Ala Nosatîi was the coordinator of the first Early Childhood Development Service in the country, which CCF Moldova developed in 2006. Ala began her work as a speech therapist, later also a lecturer at the ''Ion Creangă'' State Pedagogical University. Ala Nosatîi has a degree in nursing, special psychopedagogy and speech therapy, she has a doctorate in psychology since 2010; fluent in Romanian, English and Russian.
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